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Tuesday 23 October 2012


Emil Anthony…He was my first best friend…I think we were about 7 or 8 years old during those times…I have no idea where is he now … I lost contact with him… but when we were kids we were very close…He used to bring toy story comics and we used to read it together...we had good times.. One day he came to me and said ... Vishal, I am going to tell you one of my biggest secret in my life.. you should not tell to anyone…promise me… I promised him I will keep his big secret…. He said… I am an alien from outer space… I am wearing a mask now… I am not a human… If I remove my mask people on earth will run away…its too horrible… we live here hiding with you people..  these are the words coming from a 7 year old boy and another seven year old boy is confused whether to believe him or not. I always believed in aliens..but I coudnt believe him… but why should he lie to me?? After all he is my best friend…so somewhere in my mind I believed that he was an alien from outer space………
   All these years I kept your promise Emil… now its time to break it… now I could see your story in all Hollywood movies..