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Tuesday 23 October 2012


Emil Anthony…He was my first best friend…I think we were about 7 or 8 years old during those times…I have no idea where is he now … I lost contact with him… but when we were kids we were very close…He used to bring toy story comics and we used to read it together...we had good times.. One day he came to me and said ... Vishal, I am going to tell you one of my biggest secret in my life.. you should not tell to anyone…promise me… I promised him I will keep his big secret…. He said… I am an alien from outer space… I am wearing a mask now… I am not a human… If I remove my mask people on earth will run away…its too horrible… we live here hiding with you people..  these are the words coming from a 7 year old boy and another seven year old boy is confused whether to believe him or not. I always believed in aliens..but I coudnt believe him… but why should he lie to me?? After all he is my best friend…so somewhere in my mind I believed that he was an alien from outer space………
   All these years I kept your promise Emil… now its time to break it… now I could see your story in all Hollywood movies..

Tuesday 26 June 2012

First day in college

Its no more a school now , its collage .  1st day only thing we juniors have in our mind is ragging by seniors .  I walked through the campus in search of my class, BSc physics 1st semester.  I thought seniors will ask something to do, but they dint. They didn’t even mind me… I found my class and made friends. Bell rang.. sir came.. I thought maybe seniors don’t care about doing anything to juniors..but of course I was wrong..  as time passed our heroes and heroines  came.. seniors entered our class and forced us to eat something which tasted like chilly. Before we could relax other gang of them came and forced us to eat lollipop toffee and we looked funny with it,  Those who dint listened they had to hear many things from them.. to others they were good. During lunch break they  taught us to ride bike without a bike, to salute them. Many silly things, A kind of fun for them. I was forced to sing.,and I never used to sing in my life., I only listen to music. .  Some of them were good, some of them were irritating, some of them were worst. Some of them made juniors to write notes. Some of the seniors who were from my school helped us to get away from problems. Anyway it was fun, and we will be doing something more to our juniors when we become seniors because that’s collage life

Saturday 9 June 2012

The LoVe BiRdS I SaW On ThAt DaY

I was waiting for Netravathi express at Ernakulam railway station on a cloudy day. As the clock showed 1.45, train  arrived on the platform. At that moment a beautiful girl caught in my eyes, running towards me. She stopped and stood near me waiting for the train to stop. I wished that train would never stop, but  Indian railways never hear prayers from Kerala. Later  I noticed  that she was not alone. Three boys and two girls were with her. When a beautiful girl stands near us, we will not see anything else in this world. I  could see only her beautiful eyes. I feel like they ran a lot to catch the train. Engine roared, but still I could hear her breathe.
     As the train stopped, I got inside and found my favorite spot on window side. Beautiful girl and boy sat opposite to me. Their friend said that not to worry, everything is under control. I felt like they both had run away from home. I could not find wedding ring on their fingers. They looked horrified but as the train moved at two o clock, I could read freedom and happiness on their face.
     Both of them were telling each other how much they love each other. I was disappointed that she already found her partner. They were love birds. They had run away from home with help of friends. Friends will be always there with us for such conditions. Few years before I remember that, I had crushes just to impress my friends. Both of them kept on talking and I looked outside window enjoying the rain hearing everything quietly.
At seven train passed through Calicut. It slowed down and stopped somewhere in dark. Train glued on rail for hours.  Therefore, I enquired the matter and came to know that two bodies had found on the railway track. Train will not move unless the bodies are moved away from the tracks. Gossip already started to spread like virus. It was a boy and girl and they suicide because everyone was against their love.
   I did saw couple of events about love today. Everyone have his or her own love story. Some may have happy endings, some may end up in rails. Some says that true love stays forever and some others says that true love is a tragedy. We cannot predict it, because that is love. Everyone will have it once in your life. It’s the best feeling you will ever feel in your life.
    As the train moved, me still looking outside window enjoying the rain and hoping that my real love story is yet to come.

Friday 8 June 2012

When i saw 5 stars in the sky


I was alone,  lying over dry sands looking at the sky. Hoping for something bright will happen my life. Of course some people had burnt candle stick for me but wind was too strong that it never stayed longer. So naturally it never had much effect upon my life …. I never saw any other light. Even moon and stars  hided from me at night. Once I was lying hungry  as usual and for the 1st time in my life I saw something glowing in the sky.. a shooting star.. then came another shooting star..again another…1..2..3..4..5.. yes.. 5 shooting stars together.. which brought something bright towards me that I wil never forget..  took away my hunger….  I wil never ever forget that because they done what others never did for me…
Most you may not undersatnd what I had written..  only few of my pals can understand it..

Thursday 31 May 2012


I threw rope in exact place and pulled it back.. it never waits for me.. never waits for anyone..i pulled it back so hard..  I tried to stop from going away from me… to stay with me for few more minutes.. just for 1 second.. but it will not… because its TIME.. the time I am with my love.. this was how I felt when I fell in love.. I don’t know what happened to me?? I was always thinking about her.. I never spent much time thinking about anyone… but now I knew I also fell in the pond  of  love…. All I want was to stay with her.. eventhough I kept silent…. I coudnt talk much to her at beginning…. When I was child I thought love stories are boring.. when romeo and juliet died I thought they were mad.. but later I came to understand   it…. Those who fell in love knew how it feels.. but the worst is when you broke up.. the pain… it’s the worst.. I could feel something inside me falling off.. took me long time to be alright.. but…………