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Friday 8 June 2012

When i saw 5 stars in the sky


I was alone,  lying over dry sands looking at the sky. Hoping for something bright will happen my life. Of course some people had burnt candle stick for me but wind was too strong that it never stayed longer. So naturally it never had much effect upon my life …. I never saw any other light. Even moon and stars  hided from me at night. Once I was lying hungry  as usual and for the 1st time in my life I saw something glowing in the sky.. a shooting star.. then came another shooting star..again another…1..2..3..4..5.. yes.. 5 shooting stars together.. which brought something bright towards me that I wil never forget..  took away my hunger….  I wil never ever forget that because they done what others never did for me…
Most you may not undersatnd what I had written..  only few of my pals can understand it..

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