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Tuesday 26 June 2012

First day in college

Its no more a school now , its collage .  1st day only thing we juniors have in our mind is ragging by seniors .  I walked through the campus in search of my class, BSc physics 1st semester.  I thought seniors will ask something to do, but they dint. They didn’t even mind me… I found my class and made friends. Bell rang.. sir came.. I thought maybe seniors don’t care about doing anything to juniors..but of course I was wrong..  as time passed our heroes and heroines  came.. seniors entered our class and forced us to eat something which tasted like chilly. Before we could relax other gang of them came and forced us to eat lollipop toffee and we looked funny with it,  Those who dint listened they had to hear many things from them.. to others they were good. During lunch break they  taught us to ride bike without a bike, to salute them. Many silly things, A kind of fun for them. I was forced to sing.,and I never used to sing in my life., I only listen to music. .  Some of them were good, some of them were irritating, some of them were worst. Some of them made juniors to write notes. Some of the seniors who were from my school helped us to get away from problems. Anyway it was fun, and we will be doing something more to our juniors when we become seniors because that’s collage life

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